Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Click on the link: contact us if you have any questions.

What Is The CURRENT Filing Application Period?

On January 2, 2025, the 2026/2027 grievance filing period starts at which time the new tentative market values are posted online. It’s important not to wait until close to the deadline to avoid any online malfunction of the County’s website due to high volume. Note, the deadline passed for the last grievance filing period, 2025/2026.


how can I view my ASSESSMENT valueS, property tax bills and grievance filing history?

Use this link to view your assessment values, property tax bills and grievance filing history:

Land Record Lookup


How Can I Authorize You to file my Grievance?

Use this link to get to the Authorization Form

Authorization Form Not Available Yet

What's the Difference Between My Service and Other Grievance Firms?

Contingency based grievance companies indicate they only charge up to 50% of your first year savings but, in fact, they charge you up to 50% of your savings EVERY time you use them.  As a result, many owners don’t file every year because they don’t want to keep paying exorbitant fees.

Only owners with a good case for a reduction, after my initial analysis, are accepted.

Can the Assessment Review Commission increase the assessment as a result of applying?

No. It will either reduce your assessment or leave it unchanged.

Will my tax exemptions (i.e. STAR, Enhanced Star, Veterans) be affected by a grievance?

No, any tax savings won by a grievance are in addition to these exemptions.

How do I File for a STAR Discount and Other Exemptions? (click the links below)

NY State STAR Eligibility

Nassau County Exemption Forms


How do I Know when to expect my school star relief (STAR) check in the mail

Property Tax Credit Lookup

Can I file for a reduction once I'm in contract to purchase a new home?


Can I file for the commercial property I own located in Nassau County?

Yes. Provide your contact information along with the address of your owned commercial property to receive my feedback at no cost.

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